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I may have had the writer’s block, but not the artist’s one. More to come. 🙂

…in the orange sun rays…

And the gift of the people who don’t put curtains in the living room

Are we caged birds who just want to sing?

Where an artist is never merely an artist…

La vie en…jaune

I’m not going to be nostalgic after just two months, but…


Where optimism dominates

When a friend is visiting

Looking at the crows hunting worms in the lawns

The artist studio is a room with no walls

I love this kind of things, these chance encounters that are more intense of a planned “coffee”

Bake it until you make it!

Where I found myself at home

A museum of the world for the world

This post title was stealed from the British Museum payoff, but I think it suits perfectly well the city of London as well.