With very different intentions and solutions, also Mary Cinque’s work wonders about urban landscape, meaning with this the place of the moment that has to be given to the memory of the eye.
The painter, born in Castellamare di Stabia, observes and lives thecontemporarymetropolis being convinced that art is a sort of vital organ of it. For Mary «every building», to paraphrase Wim Wenders when he writes about the memory of a city, «is a haiku, a little poetry» traced out slightly with a pencil or brightly with a felt-tip pen – I am thinking of the highway drawings series, here – that talks about ourselves, about how we – for better or for worse – are. Her painting wants to be a time language that lives as a proper urban phenomenon, as Restany would say, of a environmental and cultural reality that we see always more often on internet, TV, placards, comics, street art; a painting that searches in its personal way to bring back the man into a space, the city.